Monday, May 20, 2013

Amazing Andamans - Day 4

Biking in the Rain

This was our morning to relax… so we decided to leisurely walk to the Kala Pathar beach , while we could not get to Kala Pathar, we did get some interesting frames on the way……. 

Looking through
A spectrum of colours
Just Born
And after a leisurely lunch, we had an idea to hire bikes, head out and explore the island. While the plan was being put in place, people started dropping out and then it was just the four of us intrepid explorers – Ankit and me on one bike; Arsh and Medha on the other. Armed with a map of the island in hand, we set off to the petrol bunk to fuel up. As we rode, we passed green fields, little houses and people who looked so content and at peace with themselves. As we crossed the hilly terrain, we reached the crossroads between Shyam Nagar and Krishna Nagar wherein lay the road to Radhanagar. And then the heavens opened up – what started as a slight drizzle went on to become a heavy downpour and visibility was soon reduced to a few feet. We finally hit the beach and it was amazing.

The spray combined with the rain changed the landscape. Medha and I were left wondering if it was the same beach we spent a day at, two days back. What was a lovely crescent of blue sea and green trees was now just a haze with the sun struggling to shine through. The sunset died a lame death and we started on our way back.

The rain had gotten worse and the potholes that were easily visible were now filled with water. The trees and the hills that had drawn calls of wonder moments ago were now creepy and looked very ominous. The rain began striking you like little needles and we driving with almost zero visibility. As cars, buses and jeeps overtake us, we were scared and grateful. Scared of being run over or off the road. Grateful for the light their headlights threw our way. Soaked to the skin, we constantly spoke to each other on the bike – each rider with their pillion making sure we remained on the edge of the road where the tar had the least holes.

Finally, the market drew up ahead and we were back in familiar territory. It was almost like nature knew we were back home and decided to back down the onslaught. The rain stopped and we headed back to the resort. As we looked over our shoulders, the hills were still covered in rain and mist. We were out of the ‘zone’ and were looking forward to a hot shower, dry clothes and a mug of hot, hot chocolate. 

Abstracts from Havelock:

A sign saying “Full Moon Café” is what greets you as you enter Dive India’s Vinnie’s Island property at Havelock. Set within walking distance of the beach, the café is perfect for a bite, to laze away your time, to swap stories of your dives, play board games ,listen to some super awesome music, play with the dogs and cats who share the benches with you or just soak in the ambiance.

A warm welcome & a sense of bonhomie greets you in the café. Everyone knows each other and come together at all times of the day. The employees are courteous and go out of their way to make you feel like one of them.

The food is delicious and you want to stay on, if only to sample the entire menu. The use of fresh local produce and lip smacking spices gives you an array of mind boggling flavors to deal with and you are left with a sense of well being at the end of every meal. The fish and prawns leave a longing for more and the vegetarian dishes also stand up against their non-vegetarian counterparts with style.

The cuisines are diverse – Indian, Chinese, Bengali, Continental and a divine array of beverages. The home-made desserts  are a perfect way to end every meal (I loved them so much; I started my meal with them too). Each of us had our own favorites and Deepak would bring them to us with a huge grin the moment we raised our hands.

The evenings saw groups of different people drifting in to be part of the café. The dive instructors in one corner – sharing stories, briefs and making the lists for the next day; groups who experienced diving for the first time (like some of us) retelling the experience and showing off the war wounds; experienced divers who spoke about diving with sharks, barracudas, octopus and visitors from nearby resorts who would come, drawn in, just for the food and the ambiance.

Sam & Frodo would walk around the tables gladly plonking themselves wherever they would find a hand willing to pet them or scratch them behind their ears.

Superlative food, stimulating conversations, amazing music and a warm and welcoming group of employees makes Full Moon Café the place to eat at Havelock.
Bon Appetit!

Sam & Frodo
One of the first sights that you see when you enter Vinnie’s Island, are these two gorgeous dogs, who answer to Sam and Frodo, lolling away on the grass beneath the coconut palms near the dive shop. One glance at them and they welcome you with the warmest of wags. You have no choice but to kneel and give them a good backrub.

Ready to run into the sea at the moment’s notice, Sam and Frodo are always lingering near the shoreline waiting for anyone to motion towards the sea.

Whether you woke at unearthly hours to view the sunshine or you were strolling along the beach or just resting under the stars – Sam and Frodo were always around for company. The joke around the resort was that the only time either of them were 100% dry was between 05.45 and 06.00 in the morning. They were there to welcome you after your dive and to sit by you as you relived the day at the café.

Sam would have a quizzical expression if you stood on the beach – almost wondering why you weren’t doing anything! Walk, swim, dive – anything but stand still. He would first stand next to you then politely nudge and then finally collapse in a heap of dog pushing you slowly towards the water.

Hugs and petting are easy for them as everyone on the resort vie for their attention. They would stand guard outside the tents as each one was being cleaned. What a boss to have! Refusing to move till they felt a good job was done.

One of my best and saddest memories of the trip was when we were set to leave. As I turned to see the resort one last time, I see Sam making his way to the front gate. He walked up and just stood by me allowing me to say my good byes one more time and then he went and sat by the gate till we finished loading the auto with our myriad baggages. There he remained till we were out of sight.

So long Sam & Frodo! See you soon! 


  1. Lovely, while I thoroughly enjoyed travelling through the Andamans including the dives into the sea with you in your absolutely unique and captivating writing style; Think I am gonna go there for Sam & Frodo.

    Have you thought of publishing this into a book??

  2. Thanks!!! Keep coming back as we share the rest of our journey at these lovely islands.
